Sunday, July 15, 2007

3rd Annual FREE Central Indiana Family History (Genealogy) Conference.


Saturday, September 15, 2007. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

LDS Church. 777 Sunblest Blvd, Fishers, IN. Map. (Sunblest is two blocks north of 116th St., just off Allisonville Road.)

30 Workshops, for Novices to Experienced Genealogists, plus displays. Workshops start at 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm.

Internet Research.

African-American Research.

International Research.

LDS Genealogy Training.

Census and Land Records.

Digital Organizing.

Inolving Children.

Family Reunions.

FREE to attend. But please pre-register so workshops can be assigned to available rooms based on projected attendance.

Please pre-register if you want to buy a printed copy of the syllabus of all workshops. $6 for printed copies, or $1 for CD.

Box lunches (sandwich, chips, cookie and bottled water) will be available for $4, but only for those who reserve a lunch when they pre-register, or register on-site by 10:00am.

You may also download a registration form and mail it in.

We have had standing-room ownly crowds in the past, so please car-pool if you can.

Questions or contact.

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